In Salon (premium), Farhad Manjoo has a review of James Surowiecki's new book, "The Wisdom of Crowds."
There's been a great deal of work on interesting work on crowds recently. The Stanford Humanities Laboratory has a growing online database of information on the visual, cultural, and intellectual history of CROWDS. They are also putting together a major exhibition of early 20th century posters and films called Revolutionary Tides that will premiere at Stanford's Art Museum in Fall 2005, and travel to the Wolfsonian Museum in Miama, Florida in 2006.
Speaking of the SHL, in case you missed their excellent How They Got Game, check it out. It contains links to their website, which has an annotated timeline of computer and console game technology, as well as links to their "Fictional Worlds" exhibit, their "Story Engines" Conference, and the "Game Scenes" exhibit in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.